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BLISSPOINT™ Art of Integration Retreat- Harvest @Six Senses Kaplankaya

Thrilled to be offering a retreat post Harvest this year! This is an opportunity to delve more deeply into a body of wisdom, activations, contemplations, practices and transmissions that further clear the density in your being, invite quantum leaps and unlock your highest potential.

Together we will integrate and digest our collective Harvest experience, deepen our bonds as a community and anchor into our intentions to ripple inspiration out into the world.

The Art of Integration

Learn how to pause, digest your experiences and shift your state from over doing, over thinking, over stressing and over consumption to inner peace, contentment, gratitude and embodied bliss.

The Art of Integration gives us access to “being” states, to connect to our ever present inner BLISSPOINT. In this session you will develop the capacity and the presence to tap into a state of deep embodied peace and bliss within ourselves, without requiring any external stimulation.

To learn more, please click here!