Get this - we are always creating from the consciousness we are in. If you are coming from a place of lack, no matter how hard you work, date, make -> you will always experience a sense of lack and not “enoughness”.
It’s time to switch from the hamster wheel paradigm of thinking we have to DO, DO + DO, to then HAVE, to finally BE loved, happy, fulfilled <-> to the true process of creation which is to internally cultivate how to BE what we long for within ourselves, then DO - as in take inspired action and then we get to HAVE more of what we already are! it’s ALL an inner game.
Join Lisa de Narvaez, NYU certified Coach and BlissPoint Journey Creator, for a life changing exploration. Expect movement, meditation, journaling, discovery dialogue and internal shifts of consciousness that effortlessly catalyze your life visions into reality. Learn to clear what’s in the way and anchor into a space of unlimited possibilities with ease + grace and have fun while you’re at it. That’s the ticket!
Wear comfy clothes and bring your journal.
To sign up, please click here!