In a culture that is based on the pursuit of happiness -meaning something needs to happen for us to be happy- we can easily find ourselves on the eternal hamster wheel of “more, better, faster”. It has us believing that we need to figure it out, achieve this or that, fix ourselves or that something or someone will give us the peace and contentment that we long for. This “if then, when” paradigm keeps us transfixed in ways that prevent us from experiencing the present moment.It is by developing this capacity of presence, by getting “out of our minds” and exploring non ordinary states of consciousness consciously, that we learn how to consistently and sustainably tap into our ever-present access to true joy. Tapping into this deep well of wisdom, beyond that of our limited minds, is game changing.
BlissPoint skillfully guides you into an “Above Mind” state of being and gives you access to the realization of the transcendent dimension within yourself.